Ejercicio Análisis de Requerimientos del Cliente

Document Top Down Network design Priscilla Open_5-24

You are a network consultant who has been asked to attend an initial meeting with the executive management team of ElectroMyCycle, LLC. ElectroMyCycle manufactures motorcycles. Its new electric motorcycle was just picked up by a large retail chain. ElectroMyCycle is upgrading its manufacturing capacity and hiring new employees.


Recently, ElectroMyCycle employees have started saying, "The Internet is slow." They are also experiencing problems sending email. accessing web-based applications, and print-ing. In the past, when the company was small, it didn't have these problems. The opera-tions manager outsourced computer services to a local business called Network Rogues, which installed new workstations and servers as needed, provided desktop support, and managed the switches, router, and firewall. ElectroMyCycle is now considering bringing computer services in-house and is wondering how its network should evolve as it increas-es production of its electric motorcycle.

1.      What research Will you do before your initial meeting with the executive manage-ment team? 

R/ The first thing is to research the client’s business, find out their industry, learn something about their market, suppliers, products, services and competitive advantages. Ask to understand how the company is structured in departments, business lines, suppliers, partners and field or remote offices. 

      ask you about the company’s success criteria and the goals you want to achieve with the project.

2.    What general problems does ElectroMyCycle seem to be experiencing? What net-work design principles may have been ignored when Network Rogues designed and operated the existing network?

R/ Malfunction of the network designed for performance and quality issues. When network rogues was operating, there was no good minitoring of network operation so it looks like there was no process of optimizing the network if these kinds of problems were detected. design or performance, in such cases the whole network had to be redesigned

3.      List four major stakeholders for a new network design for ElectroMyCycle. For each stakeholder, list some design goals, constraints, and biases.

R/ 1. Production area

Objective: Maintain compliance with the production according to the demands of its customers, for this to have good communication and tools for compliance

Restrictions: Restrictions on information access points or tools that are unique to other areas.

2. Administrative Area

Objective: Have a good connection with customers, employees and suppliers, have a good connection to management tools

Restrictions: Some administrators must not have access to some information points that are only for authorized staff

3. Commercial area

Objective: Must have a good connection to manage accounting and sales tools; also must have good communication with its neighbouring areas, such as production, administration and logistics.

Restrictions: Restrictions on information access points or tools that are unique to other areas.

4. Logistics area

Objective: the logistics area must have good communication with each area of the company, in order to fulfill its objectives in the organisation and execution of deliveries.

Restrictions: Restrictions on information access points or tools that are unique to other areas.


4.       List five questions you Will pose to the executive management team. W hy Will you pose those questions?

R/ 1. What are the success criteria that ElectroMyCycle wants to achieve?

    2. What short-, medium- and long-term goals does the company want to achieve?

  3. How is the corporate structure managed? ask for an explanation about the organizational structure of the company (departments, business lines, suppliers, partners and field or remote offices)

   4. What consequences would the failure of the project have for commercial goals? 

   5Is the success (or possible failure) of the project visible to ElectroMyCycles?

R/  because the first thing is to investigate the customer’s business, to know their industry and the environment in which they move, their strategies and their objectives.

    In addition to having clear the importance of the project for the client and the consequences of the results 

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1.      ¿Qué investigación hará antes de su reunión inicial con el equipo de gestión ejecutiva?

2.¿Qué problemas generales parece estar experimentando ElectroMyCycle? ¿Qué principios de diseño de red pueden haber sido ignorados cuando Network Rogues diseñó y operó la red existente?       


3.      Enumere cuatro partes interesadas principales para un nuevo diseño de red para ElectroMyCycle. Para cada parte interesada, enumere algunos objetivos, restricciones y sesgos del diseño.


4.       Enumere cinco preguntas que planteará al equipo de dirección ejecutiva. ¿Por qué planteará esas preguntas?


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